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Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 class page

The staff working in Year 2 are:

 Mrs Moore
Mrs Waters
Miss Wakefield

Miss Lacey
Mrs Ali
Mrs Shanaz
Miss Zameer

Latest news

Spring 2 Review


We were learning about Living things and their habitats. We had some different animals visit our school from Wild Science. We learnt about what animals need to survive in their habitat. We looked at different microhabitats.



Art – Andrew Peutherer

In art we learnt how to create secondary colours by using only primary colours. We mixed black paint to make the colours darker and white paint to make the colours lighter. We created a picture using just red, blue and yellow for the background wash.

Andrew Peutherer


We have found the four countries that make up the United Kingdom by using an atlas. We know that we live on an island surrounded by water. We have learnt some of the features of an island like beach, coast, hill, mountain and valley.




Spring 2

In English we will explore the stories Katie Morag’s Island and Stanley’s Stick. As part of our learning journey, we will be looking carefully and the images in the book use interesting adjectives to describe a setting.

As mathematicians we will be looking at recognising, finding, naming and writing fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. We will do this practically using physical resources.


As geographers we will be looking at the features of an island and in history we will be focusing on Amy Johnson’s life and achievements.

We will be using Andy Peutherer as inspiration for our art focus towards the end of term and in science we will continue to look at animals and habitats.

PSHCE – Rights and responsibilities

This half term we will be learning about ‘rights and responsibilities and looking after our money and how we can spend wisely. The children will also look at learning all about how to save money. 

Thematic Planning - Spring 2

Spring 1 Review

What a fun half term we had!

In English, we read the book Katie in London and wrote a postcard and a recount all about her amazing trip. The children worked so hard on developing their writing by using conjunctions making sure that sentences are all correctly punctuated with ,?!.

As mathematicians, we learnt how to solve multiplication and division problems by using our 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

In PHSCE we are learnt how to keep ourselves safe and identify solutions to situations where we might feel unsafe. We also talked lots about who to talk to if we were worried about anything.

We enjoyed our visits to Low Wood to take a first hand look at habitats and microhabitats.

Spring 1- London's Calling

This half term, we are using the books Toby and the Great Fire of London and Katie in London, as well as supplementary fact sheets to find out about London and its history. 

Our English writing will be based around London and the children will have the opportunity to write a diary entry from the perspective of someone who lived during the Great Fire of London in 1666, as well as a postcard and a recount. They will put their newly-learned grammar and punctuation skills to the test by including four different types of sentences: statement, command, question and exclamation. 

In maths, our focus will be on multiplication and division, including inverse operations. The children will learn how to use arrays as well as grouping and repeated addition to answer different types of problems. 

Y2 will be making posters, diaramas and model cities this half term in our theme learning. 

We can’t wait to get started!

Autumn 2 Review - Settlements: village, town or city?

In English, our key text was ‘Orion and the Dark’. We used this text to develop our reading fluency and comprehension skills. The children wrote an alternative ending to the story using their creative writing skills. Orion and Dark visited lots of exciting places in the dark, such as Cliffe Castle, parties with lots of popping balloons and the mysterious jungle.

In Maths, we learned about addition and subtraction. We revised our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 and used these skills to add 2 digit and single digit numbers. The children learned how to use and draw their own number lines to help them with addition and subtraction sentences. 

We enjoyed learning about animals, including humans in our science lessons. The children had plenty of opportunities to demonstrate and explore their artistic skills this half term, with the inspiration of local poet Lucy Pittaway. They had a great time visiting Low Wood which they based their final pieces on, In our PHSCE lessons we talked about valuing differences, including celebrating and respecting our similarities and differences.   

Year 2 have loved their outdoor learning sessions during enrichment. What an exciting half term we have had!

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